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Vortrag: Nesting the Virtualized World

Alexander Graf (Software Engineer) / Homepage / E-Mail: alex@...

Termin:  Sonntag, 15:00 Uhr, Raum V5

In a virtual environment you can not run every hypervisor again. This is
reasonable for most use cases of KVM, but it can come in handy to have
virtualization support within your virtual machine. So we implemented nested
SVM which exposes virtualization capabilities into the virtual machine and
allows you to run any hypervisor within your virtual KVM machine. This talk
will give you an overview on how this is achieved (technically), what
limitations there are and how fast we can get.

Material zum Beitrag: Folien (extern)

zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.11.2023 von Chris Hübsch
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