

Ryan Gorley (Professional Designer, Artist and Animator, Freehive)

Maren Hachmann (Inkscape) / Homepage

Tim Jones

Mihaela Jurković (Web development | Book and e-book formatting, Prkos)

Nadine Leonhart

Ian Phillips (Designer)

Adib Taraben (Developer, Inkscape)

Michèle Thibeau (Surface Pattern Designer, Inkscape) / Homepage

René de Hesselle


Termin Beschreibung
Sa, 10:00 - 10:30 Inking with Inkscape Part One - Prepare Inkscape for Inking work-flow

Part One - Prepare Inkscape for a traditional Inking work-flow.

Sa, 10:30 - 11:00 Inking with Inkscape Part Two - Outlining with Mouse, and Pen-Tablet

Part Two - Outlining with Mouse, and Pen-Tablet.

Sa, 11:00 - 12:00 Inking with Inkscape Part Three - Cross Hatching

Part Three - Traditional Cross Hatching techniques, in Inkscape.

Sa, 12:00 - 12:30 Inking with Inkscape Part Four - Finishing

Part Four - Finalising the Drawing. Adding paper texture.

Sa, 13:00 - 13:30 Introduction To Computer Graphics For Complete Newbies

This talk explains the basic concepts you need to understand to start your computer graphics journey. Learn about the fundamental differences between graphics types, when to use which type, which software to use in different cases, the concept of objects and layers as building blocks of your drawings. These concepts are universal, applicable to any graphics software. Examples in this talk use Inkscape and GIMP.

Sa, 14:00 - 14:30 How To Use Inkscape For Web Design

The world of web design seems to be dominated by proprietary software, but there are FOSS solutions that can easily compete with them. Inkscape is one of those tools. Inkscape is powerful and incredibly versatile, and in this talk we'll show how it can be set up to be your default web design tool. We'll illustrate how to best use Inkscape and its features for common web design processes. Topics we'll cover: brand color palettes, grids and guides for responsive web layout, design components in layers, how to use clones wisely, and how to jump start new projects with templates.

Sa, 14:30 - 15:00 What I've learned through Contributing Skills (Other than Coding) to the Inkscape Project

Above and beyond learning about open-source software and communities, being a contributor to the Inkscape Project has enabled me to collaborate with people around the world. Together, through bringing our skills to the table, we’re advancing this complex and beautiful tool that offers everyone who is interested the ability to Draw Freely.

Sa, 15:30 - 16:00 Design Your Own Logo and T-Shirt in 30 Minutes

See how to take a logo from concept to completion, then how to prepare artwork for printing on a t-shirt. This demonstration should be helpful for those with limited experience using Inkscape, but it will be fun for everyone in a Bob Ross kind of way. "We don't make mistakes, we have an undo button."

Sa, 16:00 - 16:30 Inkscape A-Z, Teil I: A-F

Im ersten von vier Vorträgen über spannende und weniger bekannte Inkscape-Funktionen geht es um die Themen 'Ausrichten am Kreis', 'Befehlseingabe', 'CSS', 'Druckempfindliche Werkzeuge, 'Exportformate' und 'Fonts gestalten'.

Sa, 17:00 - 17:30 Inkscape A-Z, Teil II: G-M

Im zweiten von vier Vorträgen über spannende und weniger bekannte Inkscape-Funktionen geht es um die Themen 'Gitter', 'Hilfsbereite und kreative Community', 'Iconvorschau', 'Justierbare Filter', 'Kalender', 'Lasern, Sticken, Fräsen, Schneiden, Plotten' und 'Muster selbermachen'.

So, 11:00 - 11:30 Wie du zum Inkscape Entwickler wirst

Geschichte der Inkscape Entwicklung - Programmiersprachen und Bibliotheken - Buildsystem und Build Tools - GitLab - Kommunikation mit anderen Entwicklern

So, 11:30 - 12:00 Getting started as an extensions developer

Wie funktionieren Inkscapes "Extension"-Plugins? Erstellen einer Erweiterung mit Python.

So, 13:00 - 13:30 Introduction To Computer Graphics For Complete Newbies

This talk explains the basic concepts you need to understand to start your computer graphics journey. Learn about the fundamental differences between graphics types, when to use which type, which software to use in different cases, the concept of objects and layers as building blocks of your drawings. These concepts are universal, applicable to any graphics software. Examples in this talk use Inkscape and GIMP.

So, 14:00 - 14:30 Inkscape A-Z, Teil III: N-T

Im dritten von vier Vorträgen über spannende und weniger bekannte Inkscape-Funktionen geht es um die Themen 'Nummerneingabe', 'Oberfläche anpassen', 'Perspektive', 'QR- und andere Codes', 'Röntgenmodus und weitere Ansichtsmodi', 'Symbolbibliotheken' und 'Tastaturkürzel ändern'

So, 14:30 - 15:00 How To Use Inkscape For Web Design

The world of web design seems to be dominated by proprietary software, but there are FOSS solutions that can easily compete with them. Inkscape is one of those tools. Inkscape is powerful and incredibly versatile, and in this talk we'll show how it can be set up to be your default web design tool. We'll illustrate how to best use Inkscape and its features for common web design processes. Topics we'll cover: brand color palettes, grids and guides for responsive web layout, design components in layers, how to use clones wisely, and how to jump start new projects with templates.

So, 15:00 - 15:30 Inkscape A-Z, Teil IV: U-Z

Im vierten von vier Vorträgen über spannende und weniger bekannte Inkscape-Funktionen geht es um die Themen 'Unicodeeingabe und Tabellen', 'Vektorisieren', 'Webgrafiken animieren', 'XML-Editor', 'Yeah! Effekte!' und 'Zen-Modus'.

So, 15:30 - 16:00 Growing my surface pattern design practice with Inkscape

I use Inkscape to draw digital elements to take advantage of designing vectors. It seems like Inkscape and I have grown over the years. During this short talk, I’ll share a bit about my practice, some of my work and what I love most about working with Inkscape.

So, 16:00 - 16:30 Inking with Inkscape Part One - Prepare Inkscape for Inking work-flow

Part One - Prepare Inkscape for a traditional Inking work-flow.

So, 16:30 - 17:00 Inking with Inkscape Part Two - Outlining with Mouse, and Pen-Tablet.

Part Two - Outlining with Mouse, and Pen-Tablet.

So, 17:00 - 18:00 Inking with Inkscape Part Three - Cross Hatching

Part Three - Traditional Cross Hatching techniques, in Inkscape.

So, 18:00 - 18:30 Inking with Inkscape Part Four - Finishing

Part Four - Finalising the Drawing. Adding paper texture.


Inkscape ist ein professionelles Programm zur Bearbeitung von Vektorgrafiken für Windows, maxOS und GNU/Linux. Es wird weltweit von Hobby- und Profi-Designern dazu verwendet, eine Vielfalt an Bildern, wie Illustrationen, Icons, Logos, Diagramme, Karten oder auch Webgrafiken, zu gestalten. Inkscape nutzt den freien Standard SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) des W3C und ist eine freie, quelloffene Software.

Inkscape hat leistungsstarke Zeichenwerkzeuge. Es kann eine große Anzahl an Dateiformaten, darunter SVG, AI, EPS, PDF, PS und PNG im- und exportieren. Es verfügt über einen großen Funktionsumfang, eine einfache Oberfläche, ist in viele Sprachen übersetzt und verfügt über ein ganzes Ökosystem an Drittanbieter-Erweiterungen. Im Aussehen und Verhalten kann es umfassend an die Benutzervorlieben angepasst werden.

Das Inkscape-Projekt hat eine wachsende internationale Benutzer-Community, die sich untereinander unterstützt, und es gibt viele Lernmaterialien, die den Einstieg erleichtern. Auch über das Programmieren der in C++ und Python unter Verwendung von GTK geschriebenen Software hinaus gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, sich am Inkscape-Projekt zu beteiligen.
