Pentesting Arsenal


Jonas Stein (Institut für Arbeitsschutz der DGUV (IFA))

Termin: Samstag, 11:00 - Raum V3 - Dauer 60 Min.

Exchange on Software and Hardware Tools for Pentesting: We present some tools for a start and everyone is invited to present the own arsenal and ask questions.
We want to discuss the experience with specific pentesting tools. Which tool did you use for a specific task and did it work well? We will show a few software and hardware tools we use in our security lab. Let's discuss about open source tools, cheap but nice hardware and the top notch hardware for many thousand euros.


Erwünschte Vorkenntnisse: Any out of: Pentesting, Capture the Flag, hacking tools, forensics, reverse engeneering, electronics, disassembler, decompiler, security scanner, nice (hex) editors