
The Chemnitz Linux Days stand for peaceful and open minded communication. We promote and welcome an open society from which many new and good ideas emerge.

We warmly welcome guests from all nations and treat each other with respect.

What is important to us

Yes, the following list originates from primary school times, but has not lost its validity.

  • We treat each other with respect, show consideration for each other and let our counterpart finish.
  • We always treat others as we expect them to treat us.
  • We do not only think of ourselves, but help each other.
  • We pay attention to our choice of words and do not insult anyone.
  • Violence hurts. Nobody likes pain. Therefore we resolve our conflicts with appropriate words. If someone is harassing us, we say "stop" out loud.
  • We are happy when we have created something, so we do not destroy anything of others.
  • When something is taken from us, we feel sad. That's why no one gets robbed.
  • We all want to stay healthy. So that we don't hurt ourselves, we pay attention to safety, with ourselves and with others.
  • So that we don't get sick, we wash our hands when we come from the toilet or from outside or when we go to eat.
  • Order contributes to a peaceful coexistence. Everything comes into its place! We handle the furniture with care. Garbage belongs in the trash can.

Our confidants Sylvio and Antje will help you if there are difficulties. On the weekend of the event you can reach them fastest via the information desk (telephone: 0371 531 25807).